Help Find, Vet and Evaluate Workers

Even with the tremendous inroads the gospel has made in the past few centuries, there are more than 7,000 people groups that remain unreached. Native Christian workers wake up every day with zeal to reach these groups, as they are their own people.

Help Form and Strengthen New Christians in Peru

Peruvian husband and wife sit with their daughter on a fallen tree

Local Christian workers praise God for opportunities to work among new tribal communities. Visiting homes and sending biblical messages to those they’ve met through WhatsApp, they have seen villagers begin to attend area churches with their families.

Help Bring the Good News in South Asia

A 17-year-old girl heard a local Christian worker’s gospel message on YouTube and wanted to learn more, so she began attending a native ministry’s church. She put her faith in Christ and, as her village had no church, requested workers start a prayer meeting at her house; now more than four new families and others are worshipping there. “

Help Provide Gospel Transformation in Kenya

People who have never seen a movie walk miles through the jungle at night to see the Jesus Film in their own language. Local Christian workers providing the film saw conversions at every screening.

Help Plant and Grow Gospel Seeds in Laos

After three years of COVID-19 pausing a native ministry from holding seminars, local Christian workers were overjoyed to resume the meetings with 60 pastors and other leaders to advise and encourage them. At another seminar where 106 attended, 46 had been persecuted, including one who was imprisoned for traveling to unreached people.

Equip Workers to Share Christ in China

Family members were appealing to several gods for healing from an illness they had suffered for many years when native Christian workers paid them a visit and shared the gospel. The family put their faith in Christ, and in later visits the workers continued to pray for them, seeing great improvement in their condition.

Support Evangelism and Discipleship in Indonesia

Indonesian Christians sitting outside on a tan tile floor intently studying the Bible

New Christians learned to share their testimonies and pray in house churches spread across several villages, with local Christian workers using MP3 players to convey Bible passages to those who cannot read. Workers identified a “person of peace” in each village who helped them make contact with other people.

Help Bring Christ’s Love to Refugees in Spain

Muslim refugees playing UNO with Spanish teenagers

A Muslim refugee from sub-Saharan Africa arrived at a local ministry and began attending Bible studies. The son of a mosque leader, he received a Bible but had to read it in secret as he was sharing a room with Muslims from his country.

Provide Critical Care for the Needy in Sri Lanka

Villagers that once opposed outreach are now more welcoming after seeing and experiencing God’s love through local Christian workers’ aid to the poor. “These days village poor people are suffering,” the native ministry leader said.

Provide Compassionate Aid in Zimbabwe

Two Zimbabwean women serving lunch to children at school

Learning of a widow who suffered partial blindness for five months, local Christian workers prayed she would be able to get an eye operation, though the costs were far beyond what anyone could afford. After more than three months, on faith they took her to a hospital – on a day when doctors happened to be doing eye operations for free.