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Local Missionaries in Greece

Map of Greece


10.4 million

Evangelical population:


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Unreached people groups:



Known as the cradle of Western civilization, ironically Greece has a population that is largely ignorant of the Bible. While only 3.6 percent of the people on the country’s mainland and 227 inhabited islands are non-religious, the vast majority of the population knows little about the gospel or biblical faith. More than 83 percent of the population identify as Christian, most in name only as they belong to traditional churches that give little attention to the Bible; 94.6 percent identifying as Christian belong to the Greek Orthodox Church, and 3.6 percent to the Roman Catholic Church. Nearly 8 percent of the population is Muslim.

When protests in Syria in 2011 grew into an armed rebellion that included various jihadist forces, the embattled country’s people began pouring out to other countries, including Greece. By 2015, 385,525 refugees had arrived in Greece by sea, with only 8 percent of them applying for asylum as they were in transit to other parts of Europe.

There are now more than 50,000 refugees in Greece, mostly Syrian, but also many from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and parts of Africa. Of those refugees, 40,000 are living in Greek reception centers built to accommodate only 6,000. They are also facing an increasingly hostile society.

Refugees often arrive with only the clothes on their back. The practical aid that local missionaries have provided has led many refugees to want to know about Christ. Local missionaries who provide aid offer Bible studies and, for those who accept Christ, intensive discipleship training. They also undertake visits to refugee camps for Bible studies with various groups twice a month.

An indigenous ministry provides food and other basic items, with local missionaries spending much of their days trying to meet urgent physical needs – from diapers and baby formula to securing interpreters to accompany refugees to doctors appointments and hospitals. Missionaries also help refugees get their children registered for school, obtain tax numbers and apply for asylum. Donations are sought for these efforts to bring the love of Christ to the physically and spiritually troubled.

Sources: Joshua Project, Wikipedia, Missions Insider

Middle Eastern refugees in tents on a walkway in Greece

How to Pray for Greece

  • Pray that refugees will not perish in transit on dangerous seas or from hostilities they encounter upon arrival but will receive the aid and orientation they need to begin their lives anew.
  • Pray for workers trained as counselors, interpreters, and evangelists to be available for arriving refugees.
  • Pray for Bible-believing churches to bring honor to Christ’s name as they make His salvation known to various ethnic groups.

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Turkish refugee mothers and their children sitting in a refugee camp in Greece

Refugee Mother in Greece Seeks Missing Children

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Christian workers in Greece share the gospel with a refugee from the Middle East

Provide Critical Aid to Refugees in Greece

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Refugees in Greece wearing masks waiting outside of a government building

Build Strong Disciples in Greece

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Women meeting for conversation at a modern apartment

Help Workers Share Christ in Greece

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Provide Aid to Desperate Refugees in Greece

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