A single mother in North Africa wanted nothing to do with Christians, but when unclean spirits began haunting her daughter, she was compelled to bring her to a service for healing prayer.
Known for being contentious and unruly, Ruba* often neglected her seven children and had left the now-haunted daughter in the care of a relative who practiced witchcraft, the leader of a native ministry said.
“Evil spirits inhabited her daughter, and when she noticed, she took her daughter back home after three years,” the leader said. “She was now 14 years old, but she was haunted by evil spirits.”
Ruba brought her to an evangelistic event in the town square, and native Christian workers found the girl’s strength had the force of iron from the spirits as she cried out, the leader said.
“The evil spirits were screaming and threatening and did not want to leave,” he said. “But the prayers continued till the girl was liberated – but partially, and she was completely liberated later at a youth conference.”
Ruba, whose Muslim husband had left her after she had her first six children with him, sent her daughter and others of her children to a three-day evangelistic event, but despite their pleas for her to join them the first day, she refused. On the second day, however, the 37-year-old mother recalled a dream she’d had about her deceased aunt in paradise telling her, “You are not with us, but you will come.”
“When Ruba woke up that morning, she said to her children, ‘Today, I will go with you,’ which made them surprised by this sudden decision,” the leader said. “On that day, Ruba came to the stage after the altar call and asked for salvation. From that moment on, she is constantly in the church. She joined the follow-up group, and we will baptize her soon.”
Such evangelistic events took place in five areas over a six-month period, resulting in 18 people putting their faith in Christ.
“Thanks to the Lord for his grace,” the leader said. “How amazing it is to see how the community is changing, and we will see a new generation of Christians are growing.”
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*Name changed for security reasons