Help Establish a Witness for Christ in Every Nation

Your “where needed most” gift will help get the gospel to people who have never heard the name of Jesus Christ in some of the world’s most difficult mission fields.
Worldwide Impact
  • Christian Aid Mission assists nearly 300 indigenous ministries.
  • These ministries are working among over 2,000 unreached people groups (nearly 1/3 of the world’s unreached people).
  • They are based in 79 countries in eight regions of the world: Africa, China, Eurasia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, South Asia, and Southeast Asia.
Holistic Outreach
The indigenous ministries we assist are spreading the gospel, bringing hope and healing to entire communities, and sharing practical aid with the poor and needy through the following ways:
  • Evangelism and Discipleship such as missionary training and support, Bibles, and church-planting
  • Community Engagement such as schools, clinics, wells, and microenterprise
  • Compassion such as care for widows, orphans, refugees, persecuted believers, and disaster victims
Every year, millions of people hear the gospel for the first time through indigenous ministries assisted by Christian Aid Mission.
You Can Make a Difference
Your gift will help get the gospel to people in places that are difficult to reach or closed to foreign missionaries, such as the Amazon jungle or strict Islamic communities. These places are home to indigenous ministries whom God has uniquely gifted to effectively grow His kingdom in their homelands. They know the languages, cultures, and customs of the people they are reaching for Christ. However, these ministries are also based in some of the world’s most destitute countries, and the fledgling congregations they have planted are too poor to provide for their needs. This is where your support can make all the difference by providing the resources necessary to help reach all nations with the gospel. We will ensure that your “where needed most” gift goes where it will do the most good. No matter how your gift is used, you will help the gospel of Jesus Christ reach people in the world’s most difficult mission fields, transform lives, and bring glory to God.