Provide Aid To The Needy in South Asia

Native missionaries took great joy in seeing how 60 needy children at their hostel advanced in mind and spirit as they provided them food, lodging and schooling. “We taught them Bible verses and stories,” the ministry leader said.

Send Critical Aid to Refugees in Europe

At a time when refugees in Greece could not apply for asylum until they tested negative for COVID-19, local missionaries helped families to obtain rapid tests so they could begin steps to recover their lives.

Send Word of Life to the Unreached in North Africa

African children running outside in their blue and white soccer uniforms

Sports evangelism is helping to break down misconceptions that Muslims have about Christians. One 23-year-old Muslim involved in program soccer games said he was surprised to learn that Christians were good, moral people.

Help Train Church Workers in Jordan

A Bible written in English and Arabic

The pandemic helped a seminary develop its online programs for church leaders and others being trained to expand God’s kingdom throughout the Middle East.

Help Plant Churches in Indonesia

Christian missionary in Indonesia passes out gospel tracts to adults

A native ministry has 151 church planters sharing the gospel throughout the country, and over the course of six months they planted 34 house churches. Including people who heard about Christ through social media, workers shared the message of salvation with 15,800 people.

Send the Salvation Message in Burma

Little Burmese boy holding a spoon while making a peace sign

Sometimes relocating from one place to another to escape military and other violence, native Christian workers at one ministry shared the gospel with more than 4,000 people over a period of six months.

Help the Gospel Go to Thousands in South Asia

The chief priest of a local tribe’s religion persecuted churches for many years, but when he faced a life-threatening illness, he requested that his family take him to Christians for prayer. Local missionaries and other church members prayed for him for three days, and he was healed.

Help Save the Unreached in Brazil

Brazilian man taught how to use electronic device by Christian missionary

Waves of COVID-19 have subsided and then resurged, and a native ministry leader and those close to him were infected and praise God that they recovered.

Help Fuel Gospel Proclamation in Turkey

Middle Eastern mother stands in a refugee camp with her three boys while holding her youngest son

Workers distributing aid at a refugee camp shared the gospel with a married couple in a tent where other relatives were present, so they were able to ask questions about the Bible and the Savior sent into the world.