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Local Missionaries in Albania

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2.8 million

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Located in southeastern Europe, Albania sits between Greece, Montenegro, Kosovo, and the Adriatic Sea and Ionian Sea. Slightly smaller than the state of Maryland, Albania became the only country to classify itself as an atheist nation in its constitution in 1967. During his rule, communist dictator Enver Hoja sought to erase all religion from his country; revered places of worship for both Catholics and Muslims were destroyed. Hoja also ordered parents to change the names of any of their children who had biblical names such as Matthew, Peter, or Paul. The parents were issued a list of government-approved names. Many religious leaders were imprisoned, tortured, and executed.

It was not until 1991, after the People’s Socialist Republic was dissolved and the Republic of Albania was officially founded, that religious freedom returned to this nation. During 50 years of dictatorship, two generations were raised without any religious background. Today, many people identify themselves by their parents’ or grandparents’ religion in name only.

When communism collapsed in 1991, Albanians were reduced to poverty. According to the CIA World Factbook, “Successive governments have tried to deal with high unemployment, widespread corruption, dilapidated infrastructure, powerful organized crime networks, and combative political opponents.” Albania is considered to be Europe’s poorest and least developed country.

Today, 55% of Albanians identify themselves as Muslims. According to Joshua Project, “The Muslims, along with the Catholics of northern Albania and the Orthodox of southern Albania, are pressing for restrictive legislation to keep out other religions, such as Protestantism, that are considered non-Albanian.”

Despite these challenges, indigenous missionaries have found openness to the gospel among children and youth. One ministry opened a vocational training center where young people are learning marketable skills and has also developed programs for the disabled and marginalized as well as for struggling farm families in this mostly agrarian culture. Another ministry holds evangelistic sports camps and children’s outreaches as an avenue to share the gospel. They also train Bible college students to ensure the next generation of leaders are equipped to serve.

Sources: Joshua Project, CIA World Factbook

Older Albanian woman holding yarn wrapped around a stick in front of brambles

How to Pray for Albania

  • Pray that God would bring revival to this country, which has been so oppressed and mishandled throughout its history.
  • Pray that God would lead indigenous missionaries to those with open hearts to hear and accept the gospel, and that He would provide the funding needed for their work.
  • Pray for the small minority of believers in Albania, that they would grow in their faith and spiritual maturity to become effective witnesses for Christ.

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