Deliver Bibles To Those Who Need Them in Malawi

A man was overjoyed when a native missionary gave him a Bible. “Now I will preach the whole gospel,” he told the missionary because he now had the entirety of Scripture in his hands. The missionary spends much of his time traveling to preach and distribute Bibles to those who need them. “It’s great to see the Lord’s work going on and people being saved,” he said.

Bring the Lost into God’s Fellowship in Malawi

A Christian pastor in Malawi handing a Bible to a member of his church while in their church building

As churches grow, so does the need for Bibles; members of a church that native Christian workers recently visited were overjoyed to receive copies. Workers speaking at the worship service in their village led six people to faith in Christ.

Help Workers Share the Gospel in Malawi

Teenage Christians in Malawi holding their Bibles while standing in their church which is made of clay bricks and a tin roof

A native Christian worker who has brought many people to the Lord said the gospel tracts he leaves in various villages are still effective. After a two-hour trip to preach at a church earlier this year, he led eight people to give their hearts to Christ and encouraged congregation members to share the gospel with others.

Send Messengers of God’s Grace in Malawi

People in a remote area walked nearly nine miles to hear a visiting ministry leader preach at a church. “This touched my heart to see the hunger for the Word of God,” he said, adding that the venue was filled with people.

Help Workers Bring God’s Saving Power in Malawi

Malawian Christians sitting in rows of plastic chairs in their church building for Sunday service

As an evangelistic team recently went to villages and towns, they saw people hungry for the Word of God who were touched by God’s grace. “We saw the Lord moving at each meeting with His power, and everywhere we went, we saw many got saved and set free and healed during prayer,” the native ministry leader said.