Share The Joy Of Jesus in Kyrgyzstan

A young man reluctantly agreed to accompany his friends on a ski trip organized by a native ministry, but ministry workers learned later that the man had been taught so many false things about Christians that he was afraid to spend time with believers. By the end of the trip, however, he realized what he had been taught was false, and he began to ask questions of the workers.

Come Alongside New Churches in Africa

Native missionaries drove through heavy rains to meet with villagers in a remote area who had only recently begun to regularly meet together. But their meeting place was beneath a tree, and on this day, the downpour pushed everyone into a small house nearby where the missionaries used the book of Philemon to discuss the importance of house churches such as theirs.

Minister To Young Adults in Kyrgyzstan

A teenage boy attended a weekly outreach event for teens organized by a local ministry because it seemed like a fun way to pass the time. Each Saturday, the ministry rented a soccer field for the teens to play soccer together. Then, they came together at church to sing, fellowship, and talk about God.

Equip Native Pastors For Evangelism in Africa

The Lord is doing great things in Africa through native missionaries who travel village to village distributing Bibles, praying with the people, and training pastors and missionaries. During one such visit, Christian workers saw nine people—including the chief—put their faith in Christ.

Lift Up Persecuted Believers in Kyrgyzstan

The leader of a native ministry visited a married couple in a remote village who had been ostracized by their family and neighbors for their Christian beliefs. When the couple sought to join their cow to a local herd, the herdsmen forbade it. When they need water for their garden, they are prohibited from getting it.

Help Plant Gospel Seeds in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyz boy smiling while standing in front of a rundown playground

In the central Asian country that is 0.30 percent evangelical Christian, children have experienced the love of Christ. Local missionaries started working in a new village where kids received gift boxes and heard the gospel for the first time – as did their parents.