Be The Salt Of The Earth in Peru

A violinist gave offerings to demonic pagan gods in hopes they would help him become famous. His fame grew, but so, too, did his addiction to it. When his wife gave her life to Christ, he had no interest in her testimony until one day when he became lost in the Andes.

Change Lives With The Gospel Message in Peru

A farmer addicted to alcohol and abusive toward his wife and children attended church with his family one Sunday at the invitation of his neighbor. When he heard the gospel preached that day, he and his wife accepted Jesus as Savior, and their life together was immediately changed.

Send the Message of Eternal Life in Peru

After praying and fasting to discern where the Lord would send them, local missionaries set out to proclaim Christ and planted 27 congregations in the mountains, jungles and on the coasts. At the same time, their radio program daily reached about 200 towns in one area and 121 villages in another, with listeners calling into the station for prayer and some trusting in Christ as Lord and Savior.

Help Form Well-Rooted Christians in Peru

Suffering stomach pains, a mother of four who made offerings to an earth goddess and was addicted to coca leaves visited a native missionary’s church. She accepted Christ, and after the worker prayed for healing, her stomach pains subsided a few days later. The woman now seeks to travel to share her testimony with other Quechua- and Spanish-speaking communities.

Bring Salvation to the Broken in Peru

A 22-year-old man who devoted himself to pornography and throwing stones at a native ministry’s church building was tormented by nightmares and what appeared to be ghosts. A neighbor invited him to a church service, where a native worker spoke about the peace of Christ.

Transform Lives with the Gospel in Peru

Christian missionary in Peru handing a Bible to a Peruvian man in a building with a tin roof

A rural villager who belonged to a sect opposed the gospel, saying only members of his religion would be saved. When he fell ill, he accepted a worker’s invitation to attend a church service, where he responded to the gospel with tears and gave his life to Christ.

Send Workers to the Spiritual Harvest in Peru

Peruvian women sitting on a hill wearing traditional clothes with large hats

A four-night evangelistic event earlier this year resulted in 150 people putting their faith in Christ, one of many outreaches that native Christian workers recently undertook. One worker preaching at a similar event saw 57 people accept Christ, while another went to a village with a small church and carried out a campaign where nearly all the residents repented and joined the existing congregation.

Enable Evangelistic Outreach in Peru

Peruvian missionary reads a passage of the Bible to a man in the woods

A woman who accepted Christ at one of the churches of a native ministry shared the gospel with her husband for years, but he was not interested. Her death left the 60-year-old widower in a remote village in the Andes deeply anguished, and the gospel seed planted in him began to germinate.

Provide Critical Aid in Peru

Alcoholism, drug abuse and poor nutrition devastate families among the Quechua and other tribal peoples, but native Christian workers recently helped them to survive with distributions of shoes, clothes and food.

Provide Aid to the Needy in Peru

Peruvian children eating rice and ground beef in a feeding center made of clay bricks and mud

More than 60 children living in extreme poverty have received food every weekday from native Christian workers. “Before each meal, we sing as a choir, and in prayer we thank God,” the ministry leader said. “Also, on the weekend in Bible classes we share the Bible with each child in depth. Our desire is that they grow up knowing and trusting God, as they are the future of our ministry and community.”