Teach New Believers Evangelism Techniques in Iraq

As the number of new believers increases, one native ministry has begun to organize trainings that teach about following Christ and obeying Scripture, as well as evangelism techniques. About 20 attendees at one of the recent training sessions live in areas under strict religious law and must serve the Lord and evangelize in total secrecy.

Support Discipleship Efforts in Israel

A young, single mother who struggled with severe anxiety began attending a mid-week Bible study and, as she became more involved, she saw her need for Jesus. The church members embraced her and, after a while, she chose to follow Christ and was baptized.

Encourage Family Unity in Iran

A young woman went with her sister to a church member’s house one evening determined to discover why her sister’s behavior had changed. While there, the owner of the house presented her with a Bible, and the woman’s eyes immediately filled with tears.

Lead The Lost To Christ in Türkiye

A young Muslim man began to question his beliefs, sensing there was something missing from his life despite his devotion to Islam. “I yearned for a more personal connection with God,” he said. “A deeper understanding of His love and purpose for my life.” The man came across a magazine that included articles about Christian faith and personal testimonies.

Help Missionaries Become More Effective Leaders in Lebanon

A native ministry’s theology program enables men and women already on the mission field to study part-time to enhance their biblical, historical, and theological understanding. “With the influx of new Arab believers, the Arab Church is in need of theologically educated and biblically trained men and women who are equipped for effective ministry to their communities across the Arab world,” the ministry leader said.

Christ Revealed to Truth Seekers in the Middle East

“Jesus saved your life,” the American soldier told Saif* after he was freed from an ISIS prison. Who is this Jesus? Saif wondered, and he vowed to find him. What he discovered transformed his life and that of his family. “I am Christ,” the man in Mahdi’s* dream told him, and he instructed Mahdi where to look to find the answers he sought. When Mahdi obeyed the command and met Christian missionaries who presented him with a Bible, he knew he’d truly been in the presence of the Lord.

Help Christian Leaders Befriend The Lost in the Middle East

The leader of a local prison admitted to a pastor that he had secretly taken one of the New Testaments the pastor and his co-workers delivered to the prison for the inmates. The man hoped that the pastor would discuss the Scriptures with him because when he read on his own, the words “brought him such comfort.”

Disciple New Believers in Türkiye

When a teenage girl told her family she’d become a Christian, they destroyed her Turkish Bible and forbade her from attending any church services. Refusing to renounce her beliefs, the girl marked a tree near her home with the sign of the cross and sits beneath it to read an English Bible, which her family cannot understand and therefore does not realize its value.

Share God’s Word With Seekers Of Truth in Syria

A devout Muslim woman was tasked by her family to intervene with a relative who became a believer after she delivered a healthy baby. Prior to the planned intervention, the Muslim woman attended several Christian meetings to gain a better understanding of her relative’s new beliefs and therefore be better equipped to bring her back to Islam.

Extend Grace To Refugees in Jordan

An African refugee with severe health problems came to a native ministry’s medical clinic, where he was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease so advanced that he had to have both legs amputated. When the disease attacked his kidneys, ministry workers connected him with specialized doctors.