Share God’s Word With Seekers Of Truth in Syria

A devout Muslim woman was tasked by her family to intervene with a relative who became a believer after she delivered a healthy baby. Prior to the planned intervention, the Muslim woman attended several Christian meetings to gain a better understanding of her relative’s new beliefs and therefore be better equipped to bring her back to Islam.

Comfort The Downtrodden in North Africa

After the mother of a 17-year-old girl refused a young man’s proposal to her daughter, he raped the girl in revenge. He was sentenced to prison, and the young woman’s family beat her repeatedly, a common practice in a culture in which the girl is often blamed in instances of sexual violence.

Extend Grace To Refugees in Jordan

An African refugee with severe health problems came to a native ministry’s medical clinic, where he was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease so advanced that he had to have both legs amputated. When the disease attacked his kidneys, ministry workers connected him with specialized doctors.

Strengthen Church Leaders For Spiritual Warfare in North Africa

Eight young Muslim men were recruited from their villages by jihadists and spent more than a year involved in terrorism activities. But they soon realized their error in judgment and fled. When they happened upon Christian workers, they received Bibles in their native languages, and all chose to follow Jesus.

Help Train New Christian Leaders in Türkiye

Hundreds of people have been baptized or are awaiting baptism in churches that have been planted across the country. One new church only has two to three attendees, but they are new believers with a “fresh joy in the Lord.”

Give Hope To Struggling Families in Lebanon

Farmers in one ministry’s sustainable agricultural project reaped 35 tons of potatoes this season. The harvest, alongside a variety of green vegetables, was delivered to local families who also received donated winter clothes in preparation for colder weather.

Lift Up The Persecuted Church in Iraq

A widow and her two daughters became believers after they received a Bible, but they could not publicly express their faith because they lived in a camp alongside extremists. Ministry workers were able to move them to a different location where they can now freely live as Christians, and the children attend Bible study.

Meet People’s Needs in Jesus’ Name in Lebanon

The need for medical care is growing as living conditions deteriorate among both the vulnerable and those with higher incomes. Medicine prices have also skyrocketed after the government lifted subsidies on most drugs. A native ministry is helping to meet the need at its clinic at the church site and at its community center, serving about 100 to 120 patients weekly. Both Lebanese and Syrian refugees receive care. Workers also helped them survive winter with blankets, tarps, food and vouchers to acquire fuel for heaters.

Send Word of Life to the Unreached in North Africa

Sports evangelism is helping to break down misconceptions that Muslims have about Christians. One 23-year-old Muslim involved in program soccer games said he was surprised to learn that Christians were good, moral people. Such sports outreaches, distribution of Bibles and literature, and teaching bring the unreached to faith in Christ.