Help Give Voice to Gospel Witness in Indonesia

Elderly Indonesian woman standing in front of an open door

Three people recently put their faith in Christ, including a Muslim hired as a driver for native Christian workers who spent a week providing medicines, groceries and other aid to the poor. “He was very surprised to see our acts of love,” the ministry leader said.

Provide Aid to the Needy in Burma

Women and girls in Burma receive much needed supplies under a pavilion

Some villagers displaced by military operations continue to be bombed after fleeing into jungles, and young people are arrested and either held in unknown locations or killed, while others are forcibly recruited to fight. Many of the displaced are starving. Native Christian workers are giving them hope for new life as they provide food, clothing and other aid, including education for children, along with the gospel.

Help Send Witnesses for Christ in the Philippines

Children in the Philippines sitting outside eating rice and noodles

In the first half of 2023, native Christian workers with one ministry planted 10 churches as 155 people put their faith in Christ. “These have been the result of regular soul witnessing and personal evangelism, weekly home Bible studies, mission outreach to seniors and persons with disabilities, sharing the Bibles in hospitals and schools and feeding starving, indigent children,” the ministry leader said.

Help Send the Message of Eternal Life in Cambodia

A native Christian worker’s gospel radio broadcasts are drawing two calls a day from Muslims desiring to become followers of Christ. “Earlier this year it was men calling, now it is women who are sharing their desire to be followers of Jesus,” the ministry leader said. “Please be in prayer for the women, as they are being persecuted by their families for leaving Islam.”

Help Plant Fellowships in Laos

Laotian Christian points a sign while speaking through a microphone while another man works on the electronic equipment

Native Christian workers planted 26 churches over a six-month period in two ways: They led people to Christ at seminars that families from different areas attended, with those people going back to their villages to worship in their homes, while other churches began as ministry teams brought the gospel to various districts.

Support Workers Proclaiming Christ in Indonesia

Indonesian men sitting cross-legged on the floor sharing a meal together

Native Christian workers spent much time in prayer before visiting a Hindu “holy man” with the gospel. When he and his wife put their faith in Christ, they were first kicked out of their home, and then the village and Hindu leaders held a ceremony ritually excluding him from their ancestral temple.

Help Build the Kingdom in the Philippines

Filipino Christians spending time together at their church playing instruments and enjoying refreshments

A native Christian worker has started a house church among his relatives, and the ministry that supports him is praying other members of the community will soon join. “Their days now are not only spent in farming and hunting, but they have a special day spent only in worshipping the Lord,” the ministry leader said.

Help Bring Word of Salvation in Cambodia

Cambodian man putting on a radio broadcast of the Bible

A 38-year-old Buddhist monk had everything he needed in his monastery, where he had lived since his teens, but he longed to be a child of God. He had listened to a native Christian worker’s radio broadcasts for about four months when he heard him quote John 1:12 about becoming children of God through receiving Christ.

Help the Unreached Find God in Laos

A 28-year-old woman wondered if she had offended local spirits or failed to sacrifice enough to them, as neither they nor doctors had healed her of an illness. A native Christian worker visiting her village told her that Christ had the power to heal her, and she invited Him into her life. She obtained relief after workers prayed for her, her health much improved over time and she stopped fearing spirits.

Help Enable Gospel Proclamation in the Philippines

Praise God that outreaches to various tribes are building God’s kingdom as native Christian workers share the gospel in Bible studies, Vacation Bible School and personal conversations. New Christians have shown marked growth in discipleship; one village elder whose son was jailed on murder charges said he would have retaliated had he not become a Christian.