Provide Aid To Impoverished Villages in Africa

A native ministry sent a team of Christian workers to an area of extreme poverty in which alcoholism is rampant. While there, the missionaries ministered to the people by providing them with Bibles and distributing food, clothes, and shoes. Many of the people were grateful not only for the physical help but also the Bible teaching they received.

Share The Good News Of Salvation in Kenya

Many women attended a two-day conference organized by a native ministry, and “there was a great movement of the power of God,” according to the ministry leader. During their time together, some experienced healing while others experienced deliverance and reconciliation. “Many marriages had collapsed,” the ministry leader reported. “But the Lord spoke the word of peace and now there is peace to many.”

Encourage The Lost To Trust In Christ in Burkina Faso

A native missionary sat near a community well one evening and told Bible stories to the villagers who congregated there to draw water. Many came closer to him to listen and ask questions about the things he said. One man was so intrigued that he volunteered his home as a meeting place for Bible study.

Deliver Bibles To Those Who Need Them in Malawi

A man was overjoyed when a native missionary gave him a Bible. “Now I will preach the whole gospel,” he told the missionary because he now had the entirety of Scripture in his hands. The missionary spends much of his time traveling to preach and distribute Bibles to those who need them. “It’s great to see the Lord’s work going on and people being saved,” he said.

Provide An Education To The Vulnerable in Niger

Approximately 300 children, including orphans and those with disabled parents, attend one of two schools run by a native ministry, often becoming the first in their families to receive an education. “As teachers and staff demonstrate the love of God and teach biblical truths and morals, they are seeing a transformation in the students’ behavior, studies, and lives,” the ministry leader said.

Catastrophic Floods Hit East Africa

Using her bare hands, a woman dug through the rubble of a home devastated by a flash flood that swept through her Kenyan village in early May. She pointed out her cousin’s red jacket to a reporter. It was streaked with dirt and snagged on a tree branch. A few feet away, a broken bed and mattress lay amidst a heap of debris. She was certain that her cousin lay somewhere beneath it.

Encourage The Persecuted To Stand Firm in Africa

A young Muslim woman moved in with her cousin, a believer, and became so intrigued by her faith in Christ that she chose to follow Him too and was baptized. But when her family learned of her decision, they had her arrested so that they could forcibly take her home, where she was insulted and beaten.

Help Missionaries Disciple Believers in the Middle East/North Africa

Though a woman and her family were followers of a native religion, they attended a local church, learning about God’s love and receiving care when they requested it. When the woman’s husband became ill and they were unable to pay their electric bill, she cried out to God for help. Shortly thereafter, two church members came to their home, prayed with them, and gave them the needed funds.

Transform Entire Villages With The Gospel Message in Congo

When missionaries arrived in one village, they shared the gospel house by house, reading Scripture with families who invited them in and answering spiritual questions. One man who claimed to already be a Christian realized he was not following Christ as he should and, after he confessed to his addictions and adultery, he asked the missionaries to leave him a Bible.

Comfort Those Who Are Persecuted in North Africa

A young man who is a believer in Christ zealously shares his faith in his country. But his family is Muslim, and when his mother requested that he help her buy sacrifices for several Islamic holidays, he was uncertain how to respond. When he asked a native ministry leader for help, they prayed together, and he chose to leave his home for one month. When he returned, the situation was better, but his experience with his family is not unusual.