Bring The Lost Out Of Spiritual Darkness in Burkina Faso

A 90-year-old follower of witchcraft buried an ear of corn in a termite mound with the expectation that as the termites ate it, the soul of a young Christian man in his village would be destroyed. But the following week, he was amazed to find the corn was still intact. Several days later, he met a missionary and—to the surprise of all—accepted the invitation to attend a church meeting, where he confessed his plan and decided to follow Christ.

Help Expand God’s Kingdom in Ivory Coast

A tribal priest who practiced witchcraft was a persecutor of Christians and the reason a native ministry was unable to plant a church in his village. But as missionaries led a revival in another town, his pregnant wife became ill and, after the doctor said he could not heal her, she was brought to them for help.

Serve The Poor And Weary in Chad

Workers from a native ministry organized an assistance operation for refugees who fled into Chad from a nearby country to escape violence and destruction. The missionaries provided rice, macaroni, sugar, and soap to 22 orphaned children, 40 widows, 15 nursing mothers, and a missionary couple. In addition, more than 2,000 people who fled hostilities in local villages received rice and oil.

Encourage Believers Amid Their Trials in Nigeria

A man and his wife led five people to the Lord through the use of audio Bibles, but the new believers were no longer welcome in their homes. Though missionaries established churches near their villages, to attend them would also be too dangerous.

Share The Gospel’s Salvation Story in Guinea

The chief of a village in which Christian workers had planted a new church hated its presence and made frequent threats that he would have it removed. But when his wife became seriously ill, the chief asked the church pastor to pray for her. As the pastor and his prayer team prayed over the young woman, she opened her eyes and asked for water.

Share The Grace Of Christ in Sierra Leone

When ministry workers with one ministry met a pregnant teenager who lived on the streets, they learned she had fled her home to avoid marriage and female genital mutilation. They presented the gospel to her during an outreach event, and she joyfully accepted Christ. The church became her adopted family and even helped her with her medical bills after she gave birth.

Come Alongside New Churches in Africa

Native missionaries drove through heavy rains to meet with villagers in a remote area who had only recently begun to regularly meet together. But their meeting place was beneath a tree, and on this day, the downpour pushed everyone into a small house nearby where the missionaries used the book of Philemon to discuss the importance of house churches such as theirs.

Share Jesus With Disheartened People in North Africa

When refugees flooded the region, many businesses inflated their prices. A native ministry stepped in, providing free supplies and taking a group of refugees on a short boat trip where they shared the gospel and taught them about their new city.

Comfort The Weary in Burundi

During an evangelism event, a homeless man asked the missionaries for prayer. They learned he fled his home as a child after he witnessed gunmen kill his family. The missionaries prayed for him and gave him a Bible, then they took him for a haircut and bought him new clothes.

Build Up The Body Of Believers in Uganda

A man addicted to alcohol was transformed after he heard the gospel from native missionaries. He became a leader in the local church and encourages his neighbors to attend worship services with him. A woman stopped consulting with witch doctors when she chose to follow Christ. Now she sings in the choir.