Encourage The Lost To Trust In Christ in Burkina Faso

A native missionary sat near a community well one evening and told Bible stories to the villagers who congregated there to draw water. Many came closer to him to listen and ask questions about the things he said. One man was so intrigued that he volunteered his home as a meeting place for Bible study.

Bring The Lost Out Of Spiritual Darkness in Burkina Faso

A 90-year-old follower of witchcraft buried an ear of corn in a termite mound with the expectation that as the termites ate it, the soul of a young Christian man in his village would be destroyed. But the following week, he was amazed to find the corn was still intact. Several days later, he met a missionary and—to the surprise of all—accepted the invitation to attend a church meeting, where he confessed his plan and decided to follow Christ.

Help Send the Message of Eternal Life in Burkina Faso

When a local missionary visited an influential villager identified as a “man of peace,” a Muslim trader was present who cast spells to harm competing vendors; hearing them discuss an impending gospel gathering, he also attended and put his faith in Christ. “His repentance was a reality with his entire family,” the local ministry leader said.

Help Send the Message of Eternal Life in Burkina Faso

Two men one holding a phone sit on a bench listening to a Burkinabé Christian missionary teaching from his Bible

When a local missionary visited an influential villager identified as a “man of peace,” a Muslim trader was present who cast spells to harm competing vendors; hearing them discuss an impending gospel gathering, he also attended and put his faith in Christ.