Help Send the Message of Eternal Life in Burkina Faso

February 7

When a local missionary visited an influential villager identified as a “man of peace,” a Muslim trader was present who cast spells to harm competing vendors; hearing them discuss an impending gospel gathering, he also attended and put his faith in Christ. “His repentance was a reality with his entire family,” the local ministry leader said. “He testifies to God’s good things in his life and testifies of what He was doing.” Workers led to Christ more than 700 people who had practiced a blend of Islam and animism over the course of six months. Workers need donations for such gospel efforts. They request prayer that the Lord reveal strategies to bring the gospel to peoples who are hard to reach.

“Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.” (Php. 2:2)

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