Give Aid To Refugees in Slovakia

A retired couple fled Ukraine and discovered a refugee ministry when they arrived in Slovakia. The ministry workers offered them groceries and medicine and invited them to their church services. “Besides help we had warm fellowship when we visited them,” the woman said.

Encourage Refugees With The Hope Of Christ in Europe

A refugee family that has lived for eight years in a refugee center learned about Christ through a native ministry and chose to accept Jesus as Savior and be baptized, leaving behind their traditional Muslim religion. Though their life in the refugee center is difficult and their future uncertain, their perspective was transformed when they became believers.

Deliver Compassionate Aid To Refugees in Europe

A young mother fled her home country with her three children to escape an abusive husband, but she was separated from two of her children on the journey. When a refugee ministry in Europe was able to reunite the family and provide for their physical needs as well as help with legal documents, it paved the way for workers to also share the gospel.

Comfort Traumatized Refugees in Spain

A young African refugee who witnessed the murder of his family by jihadists stumbled into a refugee ministry after a harrowing journey across the Strait of Gibraltar in which many people drowned. When he arrived at the refugee ministry, he was psychologically traumatized and angry with God.

Provide Spritual And Humanitarian Care To Refugees in Slovakia

A Ukrainian refugee visited a local ministry to obtain groceries and receive free dental and barber services. The workers were so kind to him that he also began attending church services on Sundays and a small group during the week where he studies the Bible and fellowships with others. “I’m so grateful to ministers and partners for help they provide to refugees today,” he said.

African Refugees Find New Life After Tragedy

January was cold. Too cold to be crammed into a leaking boat filled with dozens of other terrified refugees desperate to escape Africa and reach Europe’s shores. But Amadou and his two young daughters had no other choice. They couldn’t turn back now; they could only squint toward the horizon and hope for land. The water lapped at their ankles, freezing Amadou’s youngest daughter’s feet. It was a terrifying sign of what would happen to them if the boat sunk. Even worse horrors befell his older daughter, but Amadou was helpless to protect either of his children.

Send Aid to Devastated Refugees in Spain

Most of the refugees arriving from Ukraine, the Middle East, and Africa are traumatized, especially women and children, and a local ministry has a team of psychologists who care for them and help them re-integrate into society. “But the main work is of a spiritual order, because we understand that it is the greatest need they have,” the ministry leader said.

Send Critical Aid to Refugees in Europe

A ministry in Greece acts as a safe, welcoming haven for refugees who have fled their countries and arrive with nothing in a foreign country where they cannot even speak the language. Ministry workers share the gospel while offering humanitarian aid, counseling, legal information, and various social services. They help refugees find shelter in official camps and sometimes provide emergency accommodations, as in the case of a five-member family who had to wait weeks to get an appointment to apply for asylum.

Help Bring Life in Christ in Greece

Praise God for refugees coming to Christ as a local ministry provides them aid that creates occasions to share the gospel. Local missionaries went to a refugee camp to pray for one family and continued visiting them after they moved into a house. The parents put their faith in Christ. “We continue the church services where we can see more people get converted and grow in Jesus,” the ministry leader said.

Help Workers Proclaim Life in Christ in Spain

A family of five fled war-torn Ukraine, arriving in Spain frightened and without hope. Local missionaries spent time developing trust with them, and the family began coming to meetings at the ministry’s refugee center and accepted Christ. “God made a radical change in their lives; now they have peace of mind,” the ministry leader said.