Fuel Revival amid Opposition in South Asia

March 17

Despite increasing opposition and persecution, a ministry reached over 56,000 people with the gospel for the first time in 45 villages within a six-month span. Of the thousands who accepted Christ, one of the new believers comes from a family who worships false gods and had spent all their money on sacrifices to alleviate their many problems to no avail. After she accepted Christ, her family kicked her out, and she lives in a hut on the outskirts of her village where local believers disciple and take care of her. Gifts are requested for such evangelism and discipleship efforts. Pray for continued revival amid resistance from officials, communities, and families.

“For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions, or rulers, or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him.” (Col. 1:16)

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